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Vibration Analysis Diagnoses a Host of Problems

Do you have a machine in your plant that is a constant troublemaker requiring frequent repairs or creating a substandard product? Vibration analysis can diagnose more faults in a system than any other single technology. Use vibration analysis to determine the reliability of new, rebuilt, and currently running equipment. It can also be used to check for system resonance before equipment installation and to diagnose the severity of existing system problems, so that you can estimate how much downtime will be needed to correct the problems. With state-of-the-art equipment and experience, we identify the problem or problems and recommend solutions, such as precision balancing. The following problems are examples of what can be detected with vibration analysis:

• Bent Shaft • Electrical Problems (Winding & Rotor) • Gear Problems
• Imbalance • Misalignment (Belt, Pulley, & Coupling) • Process Problems
• Looseness

Invest in Predictive Maintenance Contracts

The cost of a predictive maintenance program should be considered an investment rather than overhead by plant management. You can get up to a tenfold return when you invest in one. 

Problems Detected by Periodic Vibration Monitoring are but not Limited to

Imbalance & Misalignment * Mechanical Looseness * Defective Bearings * Worn or Broken Gears

Periodic Vibration Monitoring Allows For "Planned Downtime" Which Allows forr

maintaining/repairing equipment without conflicting with production schedules

allowing time to gather all necessary parts and personnel

making sure all personnel have the proper tools and training onhand to complete maintenance/repair

Worker Reviewing Machine

Advantages of Contracting Predictive Maintenance (PDM)

When you contract Machine Reliability Management, Inc to handle your Vibration Monitoring Program, you avoid the costs of payroll and equipment & training expenses.

Equipment Expenses

Beyond the initial cost of the necessary hardware and software are the ongoing maintenance/repair and calibration expenses. 

Training Expenses

It takes about two years to train someone to be able to maintain a database, work with routine data collection, and have a basic understanding of vibration analysis. The free class that comes with equipment purchase mainly covers how to operate the equipment. Database management and vibration analysis require more training. If, during this two-year period, a person gets promoted to another department or quits, you have to start all over. Machine Reliability Management, Inc., has more than 20 years of experience in building and maintaining databases, as well as in collecting and analyzing data.

Long-Term Savings Considerations

Although it may take a little longer to see a return on your investment than other technologies (typically one to two years), vibration monitoring and analysis can offer the biggest return on your money.

Maintenance Costs (HP/Year)

Predictive Maintenance $7.00-$9.00
Preventive Maintenance $11.00-$13.00
Run To Failure $17.00-$18.00